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HSR Layout Journal

Are there Snakes in Agara Lake?

 Are there Snakes in Agara Lake?

It is not common practice in tropical places to conduct extensive and methodical research on snake populations across large areas. The current condition of snakes in this region is unknown as a result of changes in land use, taxonomy revisions, and changing reptile populations that have occurred since the last complete snake checklist was done in Bengaluru, India, more than a century ago. A contemporary checklist of the 33 snake species, 15 of which are new to science, that may be found inside the Bengaluru Urban District has been collected, together with notes on the apparent environmental preferences of each of these species. There are 15 new species of snakes on the list. This data came from various reliable sources including direct encounter surveys, snake rescues, and more.

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In addition, information has been obtained and research has been done on six previously unrecorded species that are believed to live within the boundaries of the district where the study was conducted. Since the previous survey was carried out, the local population of every species that was included on the original checklist—with the exception of four of them, namely the Naja naja, the Ptyas mucosa, the Daboia Russelii, and the Fowlea piscator—has experienced a significant decline.

Still, among the above-mentioned four species, Ptyas mucosa or the oriental rat snake has been seen in the Agara lake. Inside the Agara neighbourhood in Bangalore lies a natural lake with a total area of 98 acres. There are over 40 different species of waterbirds that make their home in this location, and pelicans, egrets, and even a rat snake are just some of the residents that you may find here. The mating of the snakes has been witnessed by tourists, and a live video of the occurrence has been uploaded to YouTube. After the grass was trimmed back, the snakes were able to move freely about the open area. Because sitting on the grass presents a potential health and safety risk, guests are kindly requested not to do so, and this request is especially directed at those who have brought children.

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