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Agara Lake Distance from Koramangala

Agara Lake Distance from Koramangala 

Agara Lake is one of the popular lakes in Bangalore. Due to the facilities it offers, it is visited by people of all ages and throughout the entire day. From the jogging paths, walking trails, serenity, and greenery, to the peaceful environment, the place is meant to soothe both the body and soul. Planning a visit here? Don't know how to reach Agara Lake from Koramangala. Here is everything you need to know including direction, routes, journey time, location and more.

Koramangala to Agara Lake Distance Details 




Agara Lake

Driving Distance 

4 km or 2.5 miles

Journey Time

4 minutes 

Koramangala to Agara Lake- Total Distance 

The total Agara Lake distance from Koramangala is 4 km.

Koramangala to Agara Lake- Total Time Taken 

As per Agara Lake's distance from Koramangala, the total journey time taken is 4 minutes. 

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Koramangala to Agara Lake- Driving Direction

Here is the Agara Lake direction from Koramangala by bus:

  1. Koramangala

  2. Jakkasandra 

  3. Agara 

What is the Fastest Way to get from Koramangala to Agara Lake?

The fastest way to get from Koramangala to Agara Lake is. 

What's the Nearest Bus Stop to Koramangala?

The nearest bus stop to Koramangala is Ayyappaswamy Temple Madiwala which is located about 5 min walk away. 

What is the Cheapest Way to Reach Agara Lake from Koramangala?

The cheapest mode of transport to reach Agara Lake from Koramangala is by bus. The bus fare may range around Rs 20. 

Which Railway Station is Nearer to Koramangala?

The nearest railway stations to Koramangala are:

  • Baiyyappanahalli railway station which is about 5 km from Koramangala. 

  • Karmelaram railway station which is about 6 km away. 

  • Malleswaram railway station which is about 7 km away.

Koramangala to Agara Lake- Travelling Time via Different Modes

The travelling time to Agara Lake from Koramangala via different modes of transportation is as follows:

By car

The journey time from Koramangala to Agara Lake by car is 10 minutes. 

By Bike

The journey time from Koramangala to Agara Lake by bike is 9 minutes.

By Metro 

The journey time from Koramangala to Agara Lake by metro is about 26 minutes.

By Walk 

The journey time from Koramangala to Agara Lake by walk is approx 48 minutes.

Where is Agara Lake Located?

Wondering about the Agara Lake location? Following is the exact address:

Agara Lake, Agara village, 1st Sector, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560034.

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