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What Is the Perimeter of Sarakki Lake? Sarakki Lake's Perimeter

What Is the Perimeter of Sarakki Lake?

The Sarakki Lake is a pristine lake and the beauty of this beautiful spot is exemplified particularly during the sunset and sunrise hours. The surroundings of the lake are exquisite as well and this is what makes this place an ideal option for so many people.

Before you get to know about the perimeter, surface area, and fencing of Sarakki Lake, check out this interesting historical fact about Sarakki Lake Bengaluru, which shows what happened to Sarakki Lake 8 years ago.


The perimeter of Sarakki Lake is studded with lush greenery and away from the concrete jungle, it is a sheer pleasure for the eyes.. 

Sarakki Lake Details



Perimeter of Sarakki Lake

Approximately 2.5 km (undergoing development)

Surface Area 

84 acres

Current Condition

Development and maintenance work in progress; some fencing pending

The Sarakki Lake Perimeter

At the moment, the perimeter of Sarakki Lake is about 2.5 km and there is a bit of development work going on. It can be anticipated that the lake area will extend more in the upcoming few months as well. Located in the southern part of Bangalore, this place surely has a lot to offer and the serenity is something which makes you more attracted to the same. The surface area of the lake is about 84 acres which is quite spread out keeping in mind the other lakes in Bangalore.

The Sarakki Lake perimeter is given clear indications as well and you will be able to find quite a few seating areas well. However, recently the lake has been under a detrimental condition post and the government has taken effective measures to take care of it. The lake area is vast and hence you might find that if you want to walk along the circumference of Sarakki Lake, it is a tad bit less. 

Sarakki Lake is indeed very beautiful and with development and maintenance work going on, it has regained its last glory and beauty. Usually, during the winter months, there are a lot of exotic birds as well which frequent the area. It is anticipated that about 300 meters of the lake area has yet to be fenced, however, in the upcoming few months, it will be fenced. 

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What Do Different Sources Say About the Perimeter of Sarakki Lake?

The perimeter of Sarakki Lake in Bangalore is reported to be between 2.5 kilometres and 3.5 kilometres, with some sources claiming it is closer to 2 kilometres while others say it's around 3 kilometres.

Here's a breakdown of the information from different sources about the Perimeter of Sarakki Lake:

  • Wikipedia: States the perimeter as 2.5 kilometers.
  • Curly Tales: Mentions the perimeter as 2.5 kilometres, also noting that the path is rugged and under development.
  • The Indian Express: Doesn't specify the exact perimeter but mentions the boundary of the lake is 3.5 kilometres, with a 300-meter section unfenced due to litigation.
  • LiveJournal posts: One post says it's around 2 kilometres, while another claims it feels shorter than 2.5 kilometres while walking.

The discrepancy in measurements of Sarakki Lake's Perimeter could be due to several factors:

  • Variations in measuring methods: Different measuring techniques or tools can lead to slightly different results.
  • Inclusion of the buffer zone: Some sources might include the lake's buffer zone in their perimeter measurement, while others might only consider the water body itself.
  • Ongoing development: As the lake is undergoing restoration, the path and shoreline might not be fully defined, leading to different interpretations of the perimeter.

Therefore, it's safe to say that the perimeter of Sarakki Lake is likely between 2.5 and 3.5 kilometres, depending on the specific measurement method and interpretation.

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